Revelop invests in urban in-fill property in Åkersberga, Sweden

Åkersberga Centrum, in Österåker
Åkersberga Centrum shopping center area

Sweden-based real estate investor Revelop has bought an urban in-fill property in northern Stockholm near the Åkersberga Centrum shopping center.

Berga 11:52 is described as a key development node with 6,500 square meters of lettable space. Most of its tenants are publicly funded.

The asset is next to the Åkersberga Centrum shopping center and a 70-meter walk from the Roslagsbanan train station that provides direct access to central Stockholm.

Thomas Sipos, Group CEO and Executive Partner at Revelop, says, “This is a unique opportunity to create a core social infrastructure asset with long lease duration and high ESG-credentials situated in one of Stockholm’s prime submarkets.”

Revelop continues its strategy to acquire assets with strong potential in submarkets with structural growth. The company says, “Revelop goes to places where no one else is looking. And spaces that might not even exist to others. We seek opportunities where others see challenges.”

Åkersberga Centrum, in Österåker, is prioritized for continued urban development including a new travel centre. The municipality plans to develop 15,000 square meters for services, offices, and commerce, and also construct around 1,000 apartments. It also aims to create 7,000 new job opportunities and is one of Sweden’s fastest-growing municipalities.

Revelop plans to increase the share of social infrastructure space, establish Revelop’s coworking concept, C/O Workspace, and to launch a comprehensive ESG programme. This includes technical upgrades to significantly reduce OPEX with improved environmental footprint.

Mr Sipos adds, “The main source of heating is currently from electricity with direct effect. The installation of solar panels, district heating and an AI-controlled Building Management System will dramatically reduce operating expenses and emissions. This is a good example of Revelop’s from brown to green strategy where we extend the life of existing assets rather than build new.”

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